John Larrere


Jesuit-Ignatian spirituality uses a practice called examen to recap the day or the week.  The outline and explanation for the examen can be found online ( but here is a brief introduction. Follow these steps each night or at the end of each week,

35 Reflection Thoughtful Man RS John Larrere Consulting LLC

Ask God for light.
I want to look at my day with God’s eyes, not merely my own.

Give thanks.
The day I have just lived is a gift from God. Be grateful for it.

Review the day.
I carefully look back on the day just completed, being guided by the Holy Spirit.

Face your shortcomings.
I face up to what is wrong—in my life and in me.

Look toward the day to come.
I ask where I need God in the day to come.

(A Simple Life Changing Prayer, Jim Manney, Loyola Press)

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